Our references

Over two thousands locations welcoming public have already been coated by Nanoksi for the past 6 years. The results are all excellent, the testimonies speak for itself.


Our team went in october 2021 to Villenave d'Ornon (Gironde) in order to coat two Hippopotamus restaurants. From the lockers room to the cash registers and the restrooms, all touch-point surfaces have been treated with the Fotonit coating. Employees and customers are now protected against germs for at least a year.

Monoprix Montparnasse

We ran an operation in may 2021 at the french biggest Monoprix shop, the Monoprix Montparnasse. After our systematic ATP tests, we have cleaned and coated all the surfaces : doors, handles, switches, fridges, touch screens, trolleys, ...

Results are outstanding in three weeks only : ATP tests show that surfaces are clean now.


We have coated the very first Delipop groceries pick-up location in october 2021. Customers are now protected against any form of contamination.

Nous voulons garantir aux clients un maximum d’hygiène et de protection sanitaire

(Témoignage de Victor Audebaud, responsable projets chez Delipop)

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Mutuelle de Poitiers

Our team went in august 2021 at the Mutuelle de Poitiers' headquarter. We have coated three buildings, including the restaurant. Cleaning is now eased, tables, desks and meeting rooms are now safe.

On s’est dit que c’était une bonne piste à envisager pour la protection sanitaire de nos employés

(Témoignage de Mme Albérola, DRH à la Mutuelle de Poitiers)